1DF1 2018-2019
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Messages : 7
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2018


Sam 1 Juin - 9:29

Like the caterpillar becomes a beautiful and large butterfly !

Tomorrow, in one week or in the futur… I hope I will be a beter version of myself.
If the present time isn’t perfect, you must to look in front of you. The futur give a lot of chance for the people who needs a seconde of five chance to become better in one thing. We need strenght of character and desire to change yourself.
If I study english now, one day maybe in one year I would have a good english level ! 36
Laaste year I was a bad student , I didn’t go to the classes and I didn’t study during the blcous and the year. This year I’m not the perfect student but I try to go to school and I try to be productive during the blocus. I think everybody can be beter with the time. You need to find your rythme. In june I hope to perfom well for my exams. I don’t know who I want to be or what I want for my futur job but I hope to find the perfect way for me.
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