1DF1 2018-2019
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Messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 21/10/2018

Assignment 2 "Problem" Empty Assignment 2 "Problem"

Mar 28 Mai - 16:53
I think that focusing on a single problem is not ideal because sometimes there are smaller problems on the side that influence the main problem.

As a result, you have to be able to step back and observe the situation in order to solve problems by level of ease. Proceeding in this way will help to better solve the main problem.

to sum up, I think it's never good to focus on something whether it's a problem, memories, a desire or an ideal portrait because you miss a lot of things when you do that.

To give an example, focusing on a single company and not paying attention to other opportunities that present themselves can lead to a missed career or to a company that will fit us much better than we initially wanted.

It is often said that love makes you blind, but I would say that it is passion that makes you blind in all areas.
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